Jan ging am 20. April 2022 ins Licht, der Quelle reiner Liebe und Glückseligkeit.
Diese Seite, seine Seite möchte ich erhalten und weiterführen in Erinnerung an Jan für unsere Familien, sein großes Netzwerk von Freunden und Kollegen und für mich.
Wenig Zeit blieb uns, alles zu durchdenken, zu überdenken, zu entscheiden. Seine wenigen Wünsche für die Zeit nach seinem Übergang in die andere Welt möchten hier Erfüllung finden. Die Ohnmacht dieser Tage ist gegenwärtig. Ich spüre tief in meinem Herzen, dass sich die Traurigkeit, das Bedauern über die nicht mehr gemeinsam verbrachte Zeit und das unsägliche Vermissen transformieren werden in innige Dankbarkeit für unsere gemeinsame Zeit.
Die Arbeit mit seinem musikalischen Schaffen ist ein Weg dahin und ein großes Bedürfnis.
In vielen Projekten, die auf seiner Seite Erwähnung finden, klingt Jan wundervoll nach.
Nun ist jeder neue Gedanke auf seiner Seite unter „Memories of Jan“ zu finden.
Alle anderen sind seine eigenen wunderbaren und bleiben unberührt. Erst vor zwei Jahren ging seine Seite online und wie sehr hätte ich es Jan gewünscht, erleben zu können, wie sein versteckter Wunsch aus dem Eingangstext wahr wurde.
Von Herzen, Claudia
There is a book of condolence at the web site of STAHLQUARTETT.
Jan went into the light, the source of pure love and bliss, on April 20, 2022.
I would like to preserve and continue this homepage, his homepage, in memory of Jan for our families, his large network of friends and colleagues and for me.
Little time was left for us to think everything through, to consider, to decide. His few wishes for the time after his transition into the other world would like to find fulfilment here. The powerlessness of these days is present. I feel deep in my heart that the sadness, the regret for the time no longer spent together and the unspeakable missing will transform into intimate gratitude for our time together.
Working with his musical legacy is a way to achieve this and a great need.
Jan resonates wonderfully in many of the projects mentioned on his page.
Every new thought from this very moment on can be found under „Memories of Jan“.
All the others are his own wonderful ones and remain untouched. Only two years ago his page went online and how much I would have wished Jan to be able to experience how his hidden wish from the opening text came true.
Love, Claudia

Why music?
Pondering this simple question my whole life, a simple conclusion is even further away. Isn’t it strange that people at times just sit there in crowds, doing nothing but listen? Well, categorising human behaviour from inside
LET the obvious inevitably unseen. The current crisis could bring us closer to an understanding and into view what’s missing beside the approved big four F in evolution: feeding, fleeing, fighting and mating.
They at least express our political and scientific consent –
but fundamentally lack what made and makes us US.
The fifth element: just fun?
Fiction, simulation and aesthetics, driven by creative curiosity, are the supersources of ALL our cultural tools, skills and achievements: systems of knowledge and belief, language and sophisticated communication, adequate social rituals and roles, technological progress and adventurous discoveries… Maybe there’s no F for but without PLAY we’re nothing!
To neglect this means doing things by halves with what we sloppy call work-life balance, it literally is treating a disease with medication only. No sports, no vitamins, no joy or love.
And no comply with the only evolutionary excuse we have for violating our best of all possible worlds.
Actually needless to say AGAIN that this has never worked out for long!
A Ë R, April 2021, idea and realisation Ania Losinger